Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Typical Day as a "Teacher's Assistant"

On Monday, February 6th, when I first walked in the classroom all eyes were drawn to the math workbooks. In this case, I settled down and made myself comfortable in the back of the room, my usual spot. The head teacher, Mrs. Ferrell, was discussing "subtraction" and the importance of always having the bigger number first when subtracting. She then had them test it out with their own fingers. Later that day, during snack time I was sent upstairs to make some copies and oh what a difficult time I had! But after I completed that task, I made my way back downstairs and decided to then file the folders of each student by putting important notices in them and that night's homework. Afterwards while the students were playing at different areas during "center time," I began to write each of their names on "guessing sheets" of paper. With these guessing sheets, the students are going to be given the opportunity to guess the number of jellybeans in a jar. After I finished, the students were getting ready to leave and I assisted a few of them in zippering up their coats... and off we went!

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